tournament info
U9 mixed singles – Orange ball, 3/4 court
U10 boys and girls singles – Green dot, full court (40 players)
Tournament times (2 hour timeslot is allocated for matches):
10am – 2pm U9 (16 players)
2pm – 4pm U10 Girls (8 players)
4pm – 8pm U10 Girls (16 players)
TennisBC Hub @ Richmond, 10251 St Edwards Dr, Richmond, BC
Register through the website here: Tournament Link – Please read Tournament Regulations before entering
Entry Open: Sunday, October 16 (8am)
Withdrawal deadline: October 30 (11:59pm)
** Entry is on a first come first serve basis
Tournament details (including match format, parent code of conduct, player information, and leaderboard):
Other Useful Information:
Policy for Late Withdrawal and Failure to Complete Required Tournament Events
Guidelines for Unofficiated Matches
Tournament Contact: Jazmin Zastera