Tennis BC is a non-profit society with 78 members clubs, including 19 clubs and associations that utilize public facilities. It represents 22,000 tournament, league, and club players and an estimated 900,000 occasional public court players.  As the recognized provincial sport association for tennis, it advocates for all tennis players and tennis organizations throughout the province.

Pickleball has exploded onto the scene in North America in the past ten years.  Some local individuals and groups are lobbying municipal governments to superimpose pickleball lines onto tennis courts, and to convert tennis courts into pickleball courts. The dramatic growth of pickleball certainly warrants more public pickleball courts.  However, adding pickleball lines to tennis courts is a conflict-laden, “Band-Aid” solution that reduces the enjoyment of both sports.

Tennis BC has created a document with our recommendations to municipalities for the construction or installation of public pickleball courts in BC communities.

Read the full report here
