

September 9, 2020
With the approval for Sport in BC to go into Phase 3 comes the approval for Return to Competition.  While this is very exciting indeed, we must remain vigilant...
Annual General Meeting
August 6, 2020
Tennis BC Excellence Awards are presented at the Annual General Meeting held in September. The awards acknowledge the incredible contributions made by communities, coaches, clubs, officials, volunteers, and players...
Leith Wheeler Stanley Park Open
June 4, 2020
2020 LEITH WHEELER STANLEY PARK OPEN CANCELLED   Following the guidelines and recommendations set out by our local, provincial, and national health authorities, Tennis BC is now officially announcing...
March 30, 2020
Update on the state of the Rogers Rankings in the wake of the suspension of all Canadian National events Following the suspension of all Canadian National events until June...
March 30, 2020
Organizing Tennis BC sanctioned tournaments is an important component of the competitive structure and provides a great opportunity for clubs to promote their facilities, attract new members, stimulate community...