NTRP 07 Sep - 09 Sep Whistler Tennis Academy NTRP Fall Classic 3KO Whistler Racquet Club Whistler

tournament info

This is a Tennis BC sanctioned tournament which is hosted and run by Whistler Racquet Club.

Events: MWs 4.5; 3.5; Mxd 4.5; 3.5

2018 Ineligibilty
Winners of 2 summer tournaments in 2 years are ineligible to compete in that same category throughout 2018, and are required to move up a competitive category (which may vary depending on the tournament). Doubles players are also ineligible to play in the same category, regardless of partnership pairings. Tournament Committee reserves the right to place players in their proper category.
In certain circumstances, players may apply to Tennis BC for a waiver that permits them to play in an event for which they have been listed as ineligible. Please direct any such request to anissa@tennisbc.org

2017 Events winners

Guideline for Unofficiated Matches

Tournament Link

Tournament Organizer:
Kirk Paterson – events@whistlertennis.com