3 Star (Comp Series) 13 Apr - 14 Apr COROMANDEL SERIES: Spring 2019 #5 – G14*** @ VITA (April 13 & 14) Vancouver International Tennis Academy Richmond

tournament info

This is a 3Star tournament sanctioned and organized by Tennis BC. It is hosted and run by Vancouver International Tennis Academy

Event: Girls U14 Singles
Players must be ranked 20 or higher at one age group below to be eligible to play up in 3Star events.

Tournament time:
April 13 – 3:00 pm to 10:30 pm
April 14 – 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Top 16 registered players will play in 3Star event. The next 8 players will play in 2Star depending on court availability. 

Tournament Link – Please read Tournament Regulations before entering.
Entry open:  March 2, 2019 12:00 am
Entry deadline: April 7, 2019 11:59 pm

Tournament Contact:
Carl Pack Jr. – carl@vancouvertennisacademy.com

Useful Information:

Policy for Late Withdrawal and Failure to Complete Required Tournament Events

Guidelines for Unofficiated Matches

Tennis BC Contact:
Anissa Chung – achung@tennisbc.org