21 Mar - 29 Mar
CANCELLED 5th Annual TTC Spring Championships – NTRP
The Tennis Centre Coquitlam/The Tennis Centre Surrey
Surrey, BC
tournament info
Please Note: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this event has been cancelled by Tennis BC.
REFUNDS: Contact Peter Fan – peter@thetenniscentre.ca
Tournament Date: March 21-29, 2020
NTRP – MWsd 4.5, 4.0, 3.5
2020 Ineligibilty
- Winners of 2 summer tournaments in 2 years are ineligible to compete in that same category throughout 2020, and are required to move up a competitive category (which may vary depending on the tournament).
- Doubles players are also ineligible to play in the same category, regardless of partnership pairings. Tournament Committee reserves the right to place players in their proper category.
- In certain circumstances, players may apply to Tennis BC for a waiver that permits them to play in an event for which they have been listed as ineligible. Please direct any such inquiry to isetyawati@tennisbc.org
Guideline for Unofficiated Matches
Tournament Link – Please read Tournament Regulations before entering.
Tournament Contact:
Peter Fan – peter@thetenniscentre.ca