tournament info
January 2-13, 2019 (Matches may be played on January 2-4 dependent on the size of the draws)
NTRP: MWsd 3.5, 4.0, 4.5; MWs 3.0
Senior: MWsd 45, 55, 65, 70, 75
January 4-6, 2019
Mixed Doubles Compass Draw
– 4 matches per team.
– Non ranking event open to all age and levels (No Junior only teams)
January 11-13, 2019
Coach/Varsity Team Exhibition – Click HERE for schedule of team matches and results
– Non ranking event.
– Past/present Oak Bay coaches or past/present varsity players
– Format will align Varsity matches (one Singles and 2 Doubles matches for each team tie).
– Register individually and indicate if you are interested in Singles and Doubles or Doubles only in your entry.
– Ineligible players can contact Simon Vickers for a lottery entry; in the situation of needing more players to complete the teams.
Player may enter a maximum of 3 events, plus mixed doubles compass draw
Tournament Link – Entry is now opened
Entry will be closed on December 21, 2018, 11:59 pm
Tournament Director: Simon Vickers | 250-370-7109