Community Tennis League’s pilot program provides a new way to play tennis
Winter Session OPEN for registration now!
Winter Session Dates – January 23 to March 19, 2023
Tennis Canada, in partnership with provincial tennis associations across the country, recently launched a program for a new way to play tennis. Tennis BC participated as one of the first provinces to pilot the new Community Tennis League or CTL. Like anything new, it can take a while to perfect, but the initial response has been overwhelmingly favourable! While some provinces saw groups of around 30 participants, BC’s tennis community stepped up, with over 190 entries—and climbing!
Participant Graham Woloski, notes that, “The experience has been great so far. All matches I have played have been pretty competitive. . . I’d love to see it continue in the spring and summer.”
The CTL is a great way for beginners to try their first match against players of a similar level or for competitive players to stay sharp and fit through the off season — and who doesn’t want to meet more people to play with?
Plans are to continue for another season and hopefully into the future, nurturing the “tennis for life” philosophy, molding the league to compliment participants’ work, home and life schedules. Going forward, Tennis BC hopes to expand to more regions and to create even more specific, well-planned matches that fit into players’ lifestyles even better.
Participants can track their matches, scores, and progress and even win prizes along the way—just for completing matches!
Who can play?
Anyone over the age of 18 can play. League registration is organized into three divisions based on skill level: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
How does it work?
Each player is put into a “box” with six to eight other players. You can arrange matches to suit your schedules through the provided contact information, where and when you like. Play your match, enter your results online, and win prizes!
It’s fun and a great way to meet new friends. Sign up today!
Check out the website here for more information or to register: https://www.communitytennisleagues.com/