Volunteer at The Leith Wheeler Stanley Park Open this summer! 

We have a new online sign up system so sign up early…

The Stanley Park Open is the largest grassroots public court tennis tournament in North America and is British Columbia’s premier tennis event.

The tournament begins on June 30th and concludes on July 16th.

Joining the LWSPO team is a fabulous opportunity for students or adults to gain work experience and obtain volunteer hours this summer!

Shifts are available June 28 – July 17, 2017

We are looking for positive & energetic individuals to help with moving, set up, welcome desk, check in desk, court monitoring, photography/social media, court maintenance, food concession and more!

Volunteers will receive:

  • Tournament shirt
  • Meal Voucher
  • Volunteer Certificate
  • Invaluable work experience for job resumes and college applications

Invite a friend & join us in making this event a huge success! Sign up for shifts here!

For further information please contact Christine Olejnik at volunteer@tennisbc.org

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