The Whistler Museum and the Whistler Tennis Association (WTA) invite you to join them in celebrating the 100 year anniversary of tennis in Whistler at the launch of an exhibition at the Whistler Museum. The exhibit documents the history of the sport in Whistler to the present time.
Whistler Museum curator, Brad Nichols, discovered that the Rainbow Lodge had a tennis court. The lodge was a resort build on Alta Lake by Myrtle and Alex Philip, in the early 1900s. From museum archive photos it looks like they held regular tennis tournaments. Fishing and tennis were two important recreational activities of the day.
A reception will be held at the Whistler Museum on Friday, September 28th, 2018. Doors open at 6:30 PM and the presentation begins at 7 PM. There will be speakers, a cash bar and cake at the event!
The Whistler Museum and Whistler Tennis Association hope that you are able to join them for this special celebration!