Meeting time & place:
Saturday, September 24, 2016, 10:00 a.m.,
Windsor Park Pavilion,
2541 Windsor Road, Victoria, B.C.

The South Island Tennis Association (SITA) will hold its Annual General Meeting on Saturday, September 24, 2016, 10:00 a.m., at the Windsor Park Pavilion.  All individual members of Tennis B.C. resident on South Vancouver Island are eligible voting members of SITA and welcome to attend.  Clubs and facilities that are members of Tennis B.C. located on South Vancouver Island are also eligible voting members and may send a representative to vote on behalf of the club or facility.

Nominations are now open for positions on the board of directors of the society.  If you would be willing to serve or wish further information, please email the nomination committee, care of David Hale, at

Minutes of the last AGM and financial statements may be viewed on SITA’s website at

The South Island Tennis Association was formed in the 1970’s to provide a regional association for tennis that would liaise with, and complement the programs of, Tennis B.C. and Tennis Canada.

Please support SITA by coming out to the AGM on September 24th, and if it would fit within your interests and time, please consider standing for a position on the executive.