Rogers First Set Tour - Rising Stars 16 Dec - 16 Dec 2017 Future Stars Year End Party/Tournament North Vancouver Tennis Centre North Vancouver

tournament info

Future Stars Year End Party/tournament is hosted by North Vancouver Tennis Centre. It is organized and run by Tennis BC.
No Leader Board points will be awarded. Prizes will be awarded to the winner and finalist of each event.

Year End Party

All 2017 Future Stars players and parents are welcome to join the Year End Party to celebrate the wrap up of the 2017 Future Stars Circuit at no cost. All participants must register online.

  • Time – 10:30 am to 3:30 pm
  • Prize presentation and group photo – 12:30 pm
  • Door prize, draw prizes, and game prizes

Year end Party Registration LinkParty registration only. Tournament players are required to sign up for the party as well.

  • 2017 Future Stars players who do not play the tournament should sign up through this link.
  • Parents/siblings (born 2006 and older) who wish to attend to the party are required to register as well. An active Tennis BC account is needed to register online. Anyone who has no account should follow the registration link and click Sign up at the top right corner to create an account. Choose Recreational membership type to create an account at no cost.

Year End Tournament

Events: Singles and Doubles for U9, BU10, GU10
Entry fee $40 includes Singles and Doubles

  • Players must register Doubles with their Singles entry.
  • Players are responsible to look for their Doubles partner.
  • Players who have no partner will be randomly paired up.

Maximum participants:
Under 9 – 16
Girls U10 – 8 (may be extended to 16 depending on the court availability)
Boys U10 – 16

Acceptance will be first come, first served with priority to Top 5 players on the Leader Board as of December 6, 2017

Tournament time:

  • U9 – 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Girls U10 – 11:00 am to 8:00 pm
  • Boys U10  – 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm
  • Tournament time is approximate and will be confirmed when matches are scheduled.

Draw and match format:

  • Compass draw will be used – 3 matches minimum to each player/team in the draw.
  • 25-min timed match will be used.
  • Matches will be one tie-break set (6 games) with NO-AD scoring.
  • 5-point set tie break will be played at 6-6 games all (first to 5 points winning by a margin of 2).
  • When time is up and match is not complete, the following format will be used to determine the winner of the match: 1. Player who leads the game wins the game. 2. The game does not count if it is a tie in the points of the game. 3. one point will be played when it is a tie in the games.

Tournament LinkTournament registration for U9 and U10 players.
Entry open: November 18, 2017 at 12:00 am
Entry deadline: December 9, 2017 at 11:59 pm

Volunteer Recruitment
Parents are requested to volunteer in the Year end party. Positions include but not limit to:

  • Tournament desk
  • Welcome desk,
  • Food Set up and clean up
  • Game Stations
  • Court monitors

If you have any sponsorship connection for prizing, food, or drink, or you would like to donate some prizes, please contact Anissa via email.

Volunteer registration linkChoose the date December 16th to select the position(s) and time slot(s) that you are interested to help.

Thank you for all your support. We look forward to seeing you all in there!

Tournament/Event Organizer: Anissa Chung | 604-737-3086 EXT 4