The Miele BC Senior Provincial Championships Presented by BlueShore Financial are just around the corner! The registration deadline has now CLOSED. However, those individuals that missed the deadline and wish to submit a Wild Card request must send their name, IPIN number and specific category they intend to play in to Katey Conway via email at Wild Card requests will only be accepted until 5:00pm on Tuesday, May 9th.

The withdrawal deadline is Tuesday, May 16th at 6 AM.

Registration requirements:

All players must have a current IPIN (International Player Identification Number) in order to enter the tournament.  Please visit to renew or register for an IPIN.

Annual IPIN membership fees apply ($25 USD) and please note, it can take up to 72 hours to activate a new IPIN number.

Find the tournament ITF Link here.

Payment requirements:

Players must have an active Tennis BC membership to successfully access the payment process. If you require any assistance with your Tennis BC membership, please contact Katey Conway at

To pay for your registration fee, click here.

Registration for the event is confirmed ONLY once you have completed the above steps and receive a confirmation receipt.
